Sunday, May 3, 2009

What to Taste Next?!?

Jamers I can't customize the blog so I thought I'd post this list we made and results of the Chocolate Milk so you can add them in the Sidebar if you want....that way we can refer people to our site to view the results of our refined Taste-tasting skills ;)

Chocolate Milk:
1-Winder Farms
2- BYU Creamery
3-Meadow Gold

Worst= Viva

To Be Tasted.......
Ice Cream
Hot Wings
Sodas (all varieties)
Gummi Bears/gummi candy
Potatoe chips
Chocolate chip Cookies
Tortilla Chips
Bottled water

Innaugural D-Club....Are you all convinced yet?!?!?

So hopefully we are all hooked on D-Club now! We had a blast! Thanks for rootbeer, salad and dessert contributions! Again, sorry I was ready on time, but thanks for the help. As for the "Gauc Debacle"..... Your both wrong. They both looked inedible. Pit or No doesn't last long! (Sorry Grandma Helen ;()

First of all, I insist you remove the picture on the right side of the blog....I look disgusting and refuse to let it stay. We can do retakes from the neck up next time.
Second of all I had a few pictures too, they didn't turn out great but thought I'd share just the same.
I will get the recipes to you guys.... Do you want me to post them here or email them (easier to print that way) or both?
Can't wait till next time!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

1st official meeting!

Our first official was a success! Great homemade Mexican food by Kris (can't wait to get those recipes!), yummy salad made by Albertson's, I mean, Miss, and a fabulous ice cream cake claimed to be made by Jamie but we all know it was DQ. Rootbeer was up on the docket for taste-testing.

Here are the rootbeers tested & the results:

#1 best rootbeer went to Brick Oven!

2. Squatters
3. Howie's
4. Big K

5-9 (in no particular order):
Thomas Kemper's
Diet A&W
Red Rock

10. Natural Brew

And the prize for the worst rootbeer went to IBC (surprise to all of us, I think)

Here's some pics from the night!

The 11 rootbeers tested!

Papi looking very focused.

Dan hopped up on hopps.

Cheers Tanner!